04.18 – Reparation

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Isla waits. She waits a long while–though maybe it just feels that way. Before long, she’s pacing back and forth, trying to work off some nervous energy.

“You okay, there?” Solanus asks. “You sound kind of nervous.”

“That’s because I am,” Isla says.

“Oh,” Solanus says. “Carry on, then.”

Continue reading “04.18 – Reparation”

04.17 – Refuge

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Solanus has difficulty moving in Lucian’s body, and Isla ends up having to do a lot of the work. Given Lucian’s weight, it’s not anywhere close to easy, but at least she’s not dead weight anymore.

“Do you know where Lucian’s stuff is?” Isla asks. “Did she drop her bag somewhere?” She glances around the room some more, and sees the canvas bag thrown under a desk. She picks it up as they shuffle past and slings it over Solanus’s shoulder. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Yeah,” Solanus says. “It’s been less than five minutes and I already feel like shit.”

The two of them get out of the house without too much incident, except for Solanus tripping and falling halfway down the stairs. Since she doesn’t seem hurt by it and nothing’s broken, Isla counts that as a success.

Continue reading “04.17 – Refuge”

04.16 – Lost and Found

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Power surges down Isla’s arms with a feeling like white-hot fire, burning her inside out. She grits her teeth against the pain, and continues to pull on her magic. A small, dark pink flame forms in the palm of her hands.

“Lead me to Lucian,” she says, and the finding-spirit in her hand flashes once, then flies off towards the east side of town.

Isla follows it.

Continue reading “04.16 – Lost and Found”

04.15 – Cold Trail

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Continued searching lands Isla at the northern edge of town, within eyeshot of the river for which the town is named, tired and with no hints as to where Lucian could have gone. She sits down on a crate, feeling thoroughly demotivated. It’s well into the afternoon now, and she can hear the clamor of people setting things up in the distance. Something for the Lighting tonight, and Isla wonders if she should even bother going if she can’t find Lucian.

“Hey,” someone says, and Isla looks up. It’s a kid, maybe sixteen years old. They’ve got wavy brown hair and a round face that seems somewhat familiar. “Are…are you okay?”

“I just lost my friend,” Isla says.

Continue reading “04.15 – Cold Trail”

Character Expression Requests

Since Jesse’s been busy, I decided to do something a bit bigger for this week’s art post. I posted agenderjirachi’s expression drawing meme thingy in our Discord and let people suggest characters to draw!! I’ve still got one to knock out, but I might post that only to the tumblr, depending on if i get any more. I’ll be doing these till Thursday so if you desperately want, oh i dunno, aurel doing the >:3c face, hop on into the discord and come get yall juice

Isla Nouveau

one of these days i’ll post art that’s directly related to the week’s updates but that day is not today

Finals Week Is Killing Me so this is art from a project i did a couple weeks ago but never posted. It was done on paper! With markers! wild

i dunno what else to write i’ve been working on stuff all day and my brain is Fried

04.14 – Spaces Between Words

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Rebecca smiles brightly. “Oh, it’s no problem at all! You’ll come to see the Lighting, won’t you? The whole town will be there, I’m sure. We get lots of visitors from all over the Empire, just like you.”

“Of course we’ll go see it,” Isla says. “It sounds exciting.”

“Great!” Rebecca says. “Do you have any festival clothes? It’s too late for us to tailor a new one for you, but we have a lot of dresses that are already finished that might fit you. We have special dresses here for the festival, in all sorts of colors. Each pattern and color represents a different blessing for the coming year, and–”

“Sorry, but we can’t afford to buy a new dress. We don’t have the space to carry it, either,” Lucian cuts in.

Continue reading “04.14 – Spaces Between Words”

04.13 – A Tale of Demons

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Isla walks down the streets, picking directions at random, as if she can physically shake her thoughts off. She feels like she’s being watched, and if she slows down, she thinks she feels tendrils of darkness creeping over her shoulders again.

“–Isla! Isla!”

Isla looks back. It’s Lucian, right behind her.

“Isla, I’ve been trying to get you to listen to me for almost four blocks now. What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” Isla says. The witch’s voice offers no comment. “I just needed some air, okay?”

Continue reading “04.13 – A Tale of Demons”